The Future Of Government Digital Services (GDS)
Data will be the foundation of future service design, policy making, engagement and operational efficiency.
The original article was written by Steve Foreshew-Cain at Digital Leaders here.
Foreshew-Cain briefly reflects on his experiences in government and his thoughts on some challenges he encountered at GDS.
GDS embraces integration of services that break down boundaries and provide the frictionless experiences people expect and have a right to demand.
The National Data Strategy, and the formation of the Data Standards Authority recognize the bedrock of future service design, policy making, engagement and operational efficiency will be data.
Data has the potential to transform almost every part of society and economy. Ranging from boosting trade and productivity, to fueling business and job creation and revolutionizing the public sector. The increasing prevalence and quantity of data creates several challenges to this strategy, which will require policy and standards.
GDS supports continued opening of services and data through the development of APIs essential for cross-departmental integration. Open APIs enable third parties to deliver value-add services; and this gives government with more spending power.
Government and GDS still have a huge part to play not only in delivering new services to citizens, but also in facilitating the digital economy. Open Finance and energy promise to revolutionise every aspect of citizens’ financial lives.