Moonshot Ideas for Government Services
From AI-controlled runways and a national cryptocurrency licensing system to digital trade deals, here are some big-impact ideas relating to government services
Here are some big impact ideas relating to government services across general public services, environment protection, health, economic affairs and future affairs.
Speedier Trials or Immediate Decisions Made by Courts
Sector: General Public Services
Using Skype or a ‘virtual courtroom’, a ‘smart system’ would allow for speedier trials or in some cases, a judge making an immediate decision.
A Small Environmental Tax for Tourists
Sector: Education and Environmental Protection
Consider a $5-10 tax that would help preserve the environment by tackling plastic pollution and waste management.
Use AI to Predict Heart Disease Risk
Sector: Health
Currently GPs use risk calculators to assess a patient’s future risk, but they only take into account the patient’s current health rather than their medical and family history, or risks specific to heart diseases. This algorithm would input this wealth of information picking up entirely new and detailed patterns.
AI-Controlled Runways
Sector: Economic Affairs
A ‘digital tower laboratory’ to help traffic controllers land more planes. This is expected to help flight controllers navigate planes to runways during times of low visibility, since this is the most common cause of flight delays and disruptions caused by bad weather.
A Call for Digital Trade Deals
Sector: Economic Affairs
Many small businesses still face challenges selling online across borders, while restrictions on data flow across borders have soared. Reduce the complexity and costs of digital trade by taking a first step: participate in the global debate agreeing to international ecommerce rules. Hot topics include boosting small business opportunities, protecting consumers, and possible rules on data flows, digital tariffs, or a domestic digital tax.
Exploring Basic Income to Replace Existing Social Policy
Sector: Social Protection and Welfare
In a year of pilots around the world, basic income showed that it enables people to acquire housing and led to increased work. To practically adopt, consider building permanent capital funds in which dividends as basic income can be paid, and gradually raise the dividends as the fund grows. Link basic income to assets (e.g. from natural resources) or ‘social common dividends.’
National Cryptocurrency Licensing System
Sector: Future and Progress
Grant cryptocurrency licenses to businesses. This allows them to start and grow, and also increases public trust in crypto exchanges, safety of users, and combats money laundering and terrorist financing.
Examples include:
• Cryptocurrency exchange license: businesses offer services such as converting fiat to crypto, crypt to fiat, along with digital wallet services.
• Cryptocurrency trading license: can trade and invest with no commission fees.
• Introducing ‘distributed ledger technology’ and ‘smart contract’ definitions to regulation laws.
A Model AI Governance Framework
Sector: Future and Progress
Building upon an existing Ethical AI Toolkit, a live, agile framework with four sections to further address deploying AI practices: internal governance structures and measures; risk management in autonomous decision-making; operations management, and customer relationship management.
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